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Survey Responses
14 survey requests were sent. There were 8 responses.Participating in the Hanukkah Market was worthwhile.
Comments:"The market should have been open to the greater Kalamazoo religious community. "
"Was really nice atmosphere "
Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree
1 person selected "4"
7 people selected "5"
Comments:"The market should have been open to the greater Kalamazoo religious community. "
"Was really nice atmosphere "
The $15.00 Hanukkah Market table fee is reasonable.
Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree
1 person selected "4"
7 people selected "5"
The physical layout and infrastructure (table, chairs, lighting) met my needs.
Comments:"I felt trapped. That is a security issue. Space between every two tables would have given me space to move freely. Furthermore, I would have appreciated a table behind the sales table to provide work space."
"Generally it was good, but at first another person selling jewelry was right next to me. She decided to move her table across the room. Next time it would be better if people selling similar things were not near each other."
Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree
1 person selected "2"
2 people selected "4"
5 people selected "5"
Comments:"I felt trapped. That is a security issue. Space between every two tables would have given me space to move freely. Furthermore, I would have appreciated a table behind the sales table to provide work space."
"Generally it was good, but at first another person selling jewelry was right next to me. She decided to move her table across the room. Next time it would be better if people selling similar things were not near each other."
The Hanukkah Market was well organized.
Comments:"Advance photos and highlighted vendors might have urged more shoppers to the Hanukkah Market. "
"It would be better if there was more marketing to bring in more shoppers."
Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree
2 people selected "4"
6 people selected "5"
Comments:"Advance photos and highlighted vendors might have urged more shoppers to the Hanukkah Market. "
"It would be better if there was more marketing to bring in more shoppers."
I will participate in next year’s Hanukkah Market.
3 people responded "Maybe"
5 people responded "Yes"
Other comments:"Should be advertised outside the Jewish community. Advertising outside the Jewish community helps for better understanding and acceptance of the Jewish community."
"I appreciated the music. The signage was lively!"
"I like that it brings people from the community together, and engages members who might not participate in services or other traditional events."
"I'm glad I participated - it was easy and fun!! "
"Thank you!"
"I appreciated the music. The signage was lively!"
"I like that it brings people from the community together, and engages members who might not participate in services or other traditional events."
"I'm glad I participated - it was easy and fun!! "
"Thank you!"