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Sorry, but the Choose Your Own Adventure Community Seder is sold out.
Have a wonderful Passover! We hope to see you next year.

Thursday, April 6
Beginning at 6:30 at Congregation of Moses

Chapter 1 – The Seder. Choose your own Pesach story adventure (space is limited in each room).

• “In Every Generation” – Geared toward families with young children (2-6) we will tell the story of Passover in an interactive way filled with songs, blessings, storytelling and play. Led by Rebecca Tregerman. (Begins at 6:45pm)
• “Seder in the Round” – We will go around the room with each participant leading a part (some assigned in advance) as we progress through the traditional Seder. You can create a song, make an advertisement, tell a story, or read the text in Hebrew or English. Make it personal or keep it general. Bring your favorite Passover experience to our community. If you have a favorite Haggadah, bring it with you. Led by Rabbi Estrin.
• “Our People’s Story” – join for a journey through the Haggadah that emphasizes poetry as we tell our people’s story. The Haggadah is the “fan fiction” of our people – each individual gets to tell the story in a new way every year, which allows our people’s story to become our story in new and interesting ways. We will be using the Haggadah Mishkan HaSeder* as the basis of our experience. Led by Rabbi Schicker. *Please note: technology will be used for this version.
• “Next Year in a Just World” – Turn the page from reliving our exodus from slavery to freedom as we strive to build a more just world. We connect our story to those who are suffering today from a range of issues: hunger, poverty, violence and persecution. We will be using the Global Justice Haggadah by AJWS. Led by Cary Mannaberg.

Chapter 2 – Shulchan Aruch/The Festive Meal. Everyone will eat together in the Social Hall, family style. Dinner will be vegetarian, kosher for Passover and prepared in the CoM kitchen.

Menu: Quinoa Pilaf Stuffed Peppers with Potato Kugel, Honey/Orange Glazed Carrots, Apple-Cabbage Slaw, Gefilte Fish and dessert.

Chapter 3 – Afikomen Hunt, Silly Pesach Song Fest and the close of the Haggadah